Have you watched the latest Channel 8 serial - 小娘惹?Together with the serial, there are a series of new media initiatives accompanying the serial. For instance, behind-the-scenes videos, interviews with selected casts, and even 番外篇.Usually 番外篇 are packaged as SPs in japanese serials or as MTVs for taiwanese serials, especially for the theme songs. 番外篇 also usually refers to future developments or
Beautiful ImperfectionsHave you watched this new TVC?Another of Yasmin Ahmad's production. :) I love her works.It always touches my heart.After I first heard ...
Be AsiaRooms Social Travel StarEnvious of him or her?Here's a chance to turn your envy into action! Do you have a passion for travel? An eye for detail? Loves to sha ...
Facebook ConnectI've just tried to add facebook connect to this blogafter following these 12 steps.Hope it works!If so, this post shall be the first w ...
Harlem Goyang vs Gangnam StyleHarlem Goyang vs Gangnam Style-Infographic terbaru kami di Ghergich & Co, kami ingin bersenang-senang sedikit dan mengambil keuntu ...
Sharing of Feeds Time 3Sharing of feeds time again...Don't you envy kids at timesespecially their bravery in attempting new areas?Like their lack of fear of ...