I've just tried to add facebook connect to this blogafter following these 12 steps.Hope it works!If so, this post shall be the first with facebook connect function!:P******Checked!This post works!So now, you can comment using facebook accounts.******But but...I tried with my facebook account,it doesn't seem to work.Does it work for you?
Standard Chartered building was on fire!Did you know that this morning a fire broke out in the Standard Chartered building?I got to know about it when my colleague alerted me ...
1st Podcamp ExperienceI went to Podcamp v2.0 yesterdaythat's my 1st time at podcamp, an unconference(I'm still trying to understand the concept of unconfere ...
My First BlogOut!We went for the BlogOut! organized by The Digital Movement yesterday. It was the second portion of BlogOut (Day 2), the Open Track, fr ...
N.E.mation is here again!Wow.. time flies.. It's now into the 6th season!This year the theme of N.E.mation is "N.S.: From Father to Son". The team with the win ...
Museum of Broken RelationshipsI went to visit the roving exhibition of the Museum of Broken Relationships yesterday.Unlike usual museums which showcased items of hi ...