MSA - MSPoll Closing Soon

MSA - MSPoll Closing Soon

Microsoftie Service Announcement - the MS Poll is closing soon so put some time on your calendar to go through and share your opinions and insight.

Some advice:

  • In all the groups I've been in, the Poll results are poured over all the way down to the front-line manager level. This stuff matters.
  • Don't punish your local team for decisions out of their scope of influence. For 99.9% of you, your manager didn't have any say in the recent layoffs. Judge them and your team and your VP based on what they are actually responsible for, not for the company as a whole. There's an area for that later.
  • Happy with your team? It is just as important that your participate so that your happiness is reflected in your group's numbers so that they can keep doing what they are doing right vs. being told they need to change.
  • Yes, people do read the text comments at the end. But you can easily erase any good feedback and have the bit flipped on your comments with one small snark.
  • No manager feedback this year? Well, here's your chance to bubble up that feedback.

Unmoderated comment post to go along with this quick reminder: Mini-Microsoft Cutting Room Floor Pause Place to be Refresh - MSPoll etc

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