Have you watched this new TVC?Another of Yasmin Ahmad's production. :) I love her works.It always touches my heart.After I first heard her talk at one of the new media seminars which I attended, I immediately went back and googled for her works in Malaysia.My favourite was:I liked her very simple thread of thought which is being conveyed through very heartwarming storylines. A single message and
マル・マル・モリ・モリ!可愛いね!This is the theme song for the Japanese drama マルモのおきて, currently my favourite jdrama for this season. It is a very heartwarming s ...
Standard Chartered building was on fire!Did you know that this morning a fire broke out in the Standard Chartered building?I got to know about it when my colleague alerted me ...
1st Live Blogging Exp @BreatheWe tried live blogging at Breathe yesterday night during the launch of Breathe.It was a first for me,though technically, I am not the ...
Be AsiaRooms Social Travel StarEnvious of him or her?Here's a chance to turn your envy into action! Do you have a passion for travel? An eye for detail? Loves to sha ...
My First BlogOut!We went for the BlogOut! organized by The Digital Movement yesterday. It was the second portion of BlogOut (Day 2), the Open Track, fr ...