Day 19 : 23rd May 09

Day 19 : 23rd May 09

Back in London...

Some how, coming back to London feels like coming home. It felt safe. I think it's because people speaks English, the signs are in English, the machine is in English, the voice in the train is in English. Even the ducks swimming in the parks were yapping in English. OK. A little too exaggerated but it did felt that way. (I wonder if it's time for me to brush up on other languages)

The cold English wind welcomed our return. We headed back to Alan's. Woke him up. Threw our bags. Alan "Do you want some tea?". Had a shower. Dressed. Alan "Do you want some tea?". Rested awhile. Chatted with Alan about our Europe adventure. Alan "Do you want some tea?".

Off we went to the heart of London.

No prizes of guessing where we went.

By the way. The bridge behind us (Yeah, with the 2 towers) is NOT London bridge. The one where we were standing is the actual London bridge.

The historic WWII HMS Belfast now served as a floating museum. Docked in River Thames in between London Bridge and Tower Bridge.

Hornimen around today?

The Tower Bridge "growing" larger and larger as we walked along the River Thames.

Posing time!

Yay! We arrived.

This is not an ET plate. We were pointing on the Tower Bridge.

This snail looking building is London's City Hall. The interior is spiralling and transparent. It reminded me of Reichstag in Berlin. I call it the Snail Building. No doubt there were other nickname given to its queer looking shape. The egg, Darth Vader's helmet...etc

What do you think?

The Scoop amphiteather.

View from Tower Bridge. We decided to skip the Tower Bridge tour and the London Dungeon. This view has fulfilled our journey here. Next!

One awesome thing is the tubes in London. It brought us right into the heart of where we wanted to go. The Westminster station brought us to the heart of Westminster! (DUH).

Did you know there is a secret passage for the members of the Parliament in the Westminster station? No? Hehe!

The station presents you the Houses of Parliament as you walked out.

The sight everyone has been waiting for. This shot was captured in Parliament's square with the Palace of Westminster, the beloved Big Ben and London Eye.

West of the Parliament house is the Westminster Abbey.

This is probably one of the crowdest place in London. Tourists were everywhere! To add more spice, there were three demonstration in the Parliament Square. One was a Sri Lankan freedom-related demo (looking at the banner & them shouting), the other was something about employment demo & another is as below.

Shall we join the demonstration? Coz the red dragon is so cute! LOL

Plus this V with the Guy Fawkes mask. V for Vendetta on the rise again? This character is pretty handy when it comes to making a statement.

The place was getting crowded. Time to leave all the noises and hide in a museum :)
Among all the museums, we chose the Natural History museum. Since I was a kid, I really wanted to see dinosaur bones.

An array of pre-historic animals. Me wondering what could this be?

This tree bark was so ancient that its surface transformed into marble!

Journey to the pre-historic era. Only that what's left were the bones. Mind us, most of them looked like T-Rex.

Cant go wrong that this is a Stegosaurus.

The place is awesome for family to bring their kids. It's filled with all types of (preserved) animals. The geology chamber at the top will put geology geeks into a frenzy. Hundreds or maybe thousands of stones and minerals were displayed and named.

Who's there?

As much as we wanted to maximize our London sight-seeing, we were pretty much knocked out by now. Having no sleep from France. Walking around all of the places above. I am probably sleep walking but luckily I still remember the details to add in this post.

What's food is famous in London? That's what we'll have for dinner tonight.

The Fish & Chip was so big! Unlike the ones at home where the fish was coated with layers of frying powder, this was a thin layer. Just enough to make the fish crunchy. The fresh fish and chunky fries spelt the world "YUMMY!".

Oh, don't forget to ask for sauces. We were discussing about the extra charges for tomato sauces in Europe & UK. By default, it's not given. We have to ask for it and it comes with a price! Chips without sauce is strange. Thank goodness we get to enjoy free flow of sauces back home.

I love Marmite and eat it raw. I am not sure why some people hate it.

The tag line for this Marmite cracker is? "Hate it or Love it!"

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