Is AIDS=HIV? A person maybe a HIV carrier, but does not contract AIDS; but a AIDS patient will carry HIV.Are condoms 100% safe? Unfortunately, they are not, but having casual sex without condoms is far more dangerous.Is AIDS airborne? No, AIDS is not an airborne disease. Horror stories of contraction of AIDS via coughs and sneezes are just works of fiction.These are just some of the common myths
Love AmplifiedYeah, I'm back from my first outdoor concertat Fort Canning Hill- Love Amplifiedalso known as the "World Aids Day Concert".It's quite ...
Sharing Fox News....Plurk is down.. tonight...:(But that also gave me an opportunity to catch up on blogging here.I've neglected this blog for weeks!Here ...
My First BlogOut!We went for the BlogOut! organized by The Digital Movement yesterday. It was the second portion of BlogOut (Day 2), the Open Track, fr ...
1st Live Blogging Exp @BreatheWe tried live blogging at Breathe yesterday night during the launch of Breathe.It was a first for me,though technically, I am not the ...