Oprah is the queen!

Oprah is the queen!

As you may know, I do LOVE Oprah. I believe her website is a great tool for advanced classes and I use it quite often.
Some months ago, I decided to have a class about food and diets (and there are lots and lots of things online about this topic) but I found a vey interesting video on Oprah´s website that you can work on:

David Murdock's Diet and Fitness Routine Video

This billionaire has the stamina and health of a much younger man. See how he starts his day with cardio and weight training. Plus, what he eats for every meal. Watch as David and Oprah blend up a special, vitamin-packed smoothie. Then, a shopping trip to Costco...

There are some other intersting links on Oprah´s that you can use on this same topic:

I used this idea for a month with my students and they really appreciated it. 

Enjoy it!

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