PDF database

PDF database

I don´t know if this is a famous site or not, but I´ve just found out about it and I really liked the site. There are many handouts, but you need to be patient, because it´s not very well organized and some of the pdfs aren´t good. So, take some time and look for the best ones.

Here are some good samples: (simple present and present continuous)

http://www.staff.uni-mainz.de/gmader/englisch/tests/present_simple+present_continuous.pdf (make questions)
http://www.english-area.com/paginas/time%20and%20present%20simple.pdf (time table exercise)
http://www.sea.unisannio.it/didattica/appunti_dispense/paolucci/present_simple.pdf (tests)
http://www.visi.es/documents/expanding%20sentences%20present%20simple.pdf (drilling)

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