Class plan: Why is it so good to be a man?Level: BasicAsk your students to make a list about the positive aspects about being a man. Ask them to compare their answers. Do the s ...
Class PlanOur class plan today is about pregnancy. Level: upper intermediate The idea is to discuss pregnancy during difficult times, such as ad ...
Smoking (level: intermediante)Hi guys,Today I´m sharing a class plan that I´ve decided to prepare after reading about that Indonesian ...
Para professores:Blog fantástico de filmesEsse blog é um salvador de aulas! Claudio Azevedo é meu ídolo!Digo isso pq ele seleciona &nb ...
SONG: That´s not my nameSemana passada trabalhei com a música: That´s not my name, da banda The Tings Tings com meus alunos.Princ ...