Use Chrome like a pro (Now for Mac!)

Use Chrome like a pro (Now for Mac!)

(Cross posted on Official Google Mac Blog.)

Two months ago, Chrome team members shared a list of their favorite extensions on the Official Google Blog. This time around, we asked Mac aficionados on the Chrome team to share with us the extensions they like the most. Below is a list of their favorite extensions.
  • Google Voice - Make calls, send SMS, preview inbox and get notified of new messages right in your browser (US only)

  • Send from Gmail - Makes Gmail your default email application and provides a button to compose a Gmail message to quickly share a link via email.

  • iReader - View news stories and other articles in a very easy to read, clutter-free, scrollable display.

  • Google Dictionary - View definitions easily as you browse the web, similar to using ⌘-Option-D in other Mac applications.

  • delicious bookmarks - Integrate your bookmarks with Google Chrome with the official Chrome extension for Delicious, the world's leading social bookmarking service.

  • Instachrome - Collect articles from around the Internet to read them on the web with Instapaper.

These are just a few extensions to help our Mac users enhance their web browsing experience and address the most requested features. There are more than 7,000 extensions to choose from in our Google Chrome Extensions gallery, so you’ll be sure to find the right extensions for you.

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