Here at the Demo Lab we have only one mission: to protect your data no matter what happens to your computer. To serve this mission we have been evaluating our Cr-48 prototype notebooks in challenging, some might say extreme, conditions. We’ve been in the lab testing notebooks exhaustively (I'm talking 24 hours a day here). But, to try out as many notebooks as possible, we’re opening up the lab to the public today.
Are you ready to help take the Cr-48 through its paces? If you are up to this challenge, take these mean machines through explosions, carbicide, and destruction by ravenous zombies at
google.com/demolab. While you're at it, you can submit an application to the Chrome notebook Pilot program.
That's all from here. Good luck, remember to wear your safety goggles at all times, and see you in the lab.
Posted by Lab Tech, Demo Lab