How to upgrade your browser (and 50 other things you might want to teach your parents)

How to upgrade your browser (and 50 other things you might want to teach your parents)

The other day I told my parents about a recent Chrome experiment, but the site wouldn't load for them: turns out they were still using a browser released over nine years ago and weren’t sure how to update it. I ended up installing Chrome for them, as it stays up-to-date automatically (read: it's less work for me!).

For those of you who also have family members suffering from outdated browser issues, I’ve created a video tutorial that you can share with them so that they can walk through a few quick steps to ensure that they have the latest browser:

This video is one in a series of basic how-to videos that a handful of us at Google have put together at, a place where “kids” of any age can send tutorials to their moms, dads, uncles, and whomever they like. Send someone a tech support care package of your own!

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