Los Angeles - Chinatown

Los Angeles - Chinatown

9th Sept 2010

Welcome to the City of Angels. I peered out the airplane window at the neatly developed city of Los Angeles. One thing that came to my mind is that this city is so well planned. The straight roads that stretched towards the horizon and blocks of uniformed-sized developments . (Back at home, we hardly can achieve this with the hilly terrain and a lot of heritage settlements)

A few weeks ago, we were in transit in LA and the aerial view of the city is even more amazing when its lit up at night.

After checking in to the Mayfair hotel in downtown LA, we headed to Chinatown.


Wait a minute! Where's everyone?
I've always imagine Chinatown to be a crowded place bustling with activities. Like in the movies.

However, there's no one in sight. There are not many shops around either. The ones that are open sell stuff that is so old fashion. Maybe we come at the wrong time but its just about 3 in the afternoon.

We decided to have our dinner here and stepped into a Chinese Restaurant. But the smell of the restaurant was so bad, it almost made me puke. It's like a combination of stale air with damp carpet. Yucky!

We decided to walk further away and found this restaurant. It has pictures of the owner with their VIP guests. One of them is Sharon Lee (Bruce Lee's daughter). That convinced us to sit down & grab a menu.

Night started to fall and it's getting quite chilly, dark and even more deserted outside. It's time to call it a day except that we cant see any taxi coming our way. We walked to the intersection and waited forever but still no taxi. The public phone was also broken. We've already walked pretty far away from the restaurant and decided to head back to get some help. Waiting for another eternity in the dark cold night. We finally caught our taxi which is pretty beat up. I had to hold the doors as the taxi goes through turns as it looked like it's going to fly open anytime.

That's it! Tomorrow, we are renting a car.

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