Here it is, FY12Q1 already: Microsoft Reports Record First-Quarter Results $17.37 billion of revenue driven by solid business and consumer demand.. Wow, is that the longest, braggy release title we've ever had? Read it and you'll also discover that Bing has an organic line. In the Q&A session, Microsoft Management Discusses Q1 2012 Results - Earnings Call Transcript - Seeking Alpha, there was a lot of Qs about Skype and - news to me - we discover that $51 billion of our cash assets are kept offshore, to avoid taxes. Viva la 1%! (I kid).
(I'm out on the road so this will be short.)
My usual suspects:
- Mr. Jay Greene: Microsoft sees strong Office and flat Windows in quarter Microsoft - CNET News - "The company continues to generate mountains of cash. Even as it returned $2.7 billion to shareholders in the quarter, its cash hoard grew nearly $5 billion from June 30 to $57.4 billion."
- Mr. Joe Wilcox: Microsoft Q1 2012 by the numbers $17.37B revenue, $5.7B profit - on the flat Windows numbers: "Earth to Windows & Windows Live president Steven Sinofksy: You can't ship Windows 8 soon enough."
- Mr. Todd Bishop: Microsoft hits profit estimates, lifted by Office and servers - GeekWire and, more intriguing, Microsoft results show how iPad is cutting into Windows PCs - GeekWire
- Ms. Mary-Jo Foley: Microsoft earnings insights On-premises Office still has a lot of life left ZDNet
And a bonus view of OSD:
Mini-Microsoft Microsoft MSFT -- Comments