Akhirnya bisa posting lagi,setelah sibuk jawab komentar dan pertanyaan saat buka blog,kali ini saya share software yang pasti sudah tidak asing lagi bagi anda,ya Deep Freeze 7.3 full serial number ini adalah software yang bisa membekukan isi harddisk sehingga keadaan isi harddisk tidak berubah walaupun sudah terkena virus,dan saat di restart akan kembali ke keadaan semula.jadi bagi anda yang butuh software ini,atau mau update dengan versi terbarunya ,silakan di download :
Link Download (idws) :
Download Deep Freeze 7.3 Full Serial Number (3.6MB)
Change Log :
Improvements in Deep Freeze WMI Classes.
License expiry notification displayed in the system tray.
FB1922 Resolved a BSOD at login on Frozen computers after updating from Deep Freeze 6.22 to 7.21. (Case No: TTR-416-23714)
FB2557 Resolved an issue on systems with custom Windows folder: Secure Channel Password was not being managed when Deep Freeze was in a Thawed state (Case No: DGV-558-22897)
TT2254 Resolved an issue where after uninstalling Deep Freeze on the workstation, Deep Freeze entry is not removed from Faronics Product under WMI.
TT2620 Resolved a BSOD on Dell computer with RAID hardware controller (PERC card) (Case No: RYF-134-76780)
TT2621 Resolved a BSOD. (Case No: OYK-134-64403)
TT2627 Resolved an unexpected shutdown error on a computer with hardware RAID controller. (Case No: IIA-307-84690)
TT2695 Resolved a BSOD issue after upgrading Deep Freeze. (Case No: MIS-143-20157)
TT2697 Resolved a cosmetic issue in the Status of Next Reboot option. (Case No: RLX-148-27814)
TT2774 Resolved an issue where the Windows Program Compatibility Assistant displayed a warning when Deep Freeze installation was cancelled.