Natura Sound Therapy 3 Full - Software Terapi Pikiran Alami

Natura Sound Therapy 3 Full - Software Terapi Pikiran Alami

 Bagi anda yang sering stress atau banyak pikiran sehingga kurang mendapatkan ketenangan mungkin software ini dapat membantu anda,di software ini kita bisa mendengarkan berbagai lantunan khas alam dan berbagai efek yang bisa ditambahkan,serta tambahan gelombang frequency alpha,beta,theta dan delta yang tujuan utamanya adalah membuat pikiran tenang saat mendengarkan suara dari software ini

Link Download (IDWS) :

Download Natura Sound Therapy 3 Full (48,67MB)

Some uses of Natura:

* Get a full night's sleep.
* Use as a meditation aid.
* Help yourself study or concentrate.
* Relax while you work at your computer.
* Overcome writer's block.
* Help a baby get to sleep.
* Calm your pets.
* Decrease anxiety.
* Clear the cobwebs from your mind.
* Heal yourself.
* Drown out distracting noises.
* and 1000's more uses...

To start, we suggest that you explore the factory presets to become familiar with the wide range that Natura offers. Don't be afraid to click around and explore the features and settings. Be patient and in no time, you will learn how easy it is to control Natura.

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