Gabung Record Label Point Blank yang
When you study with us you can sign, release, and earn money from your music. Ketika anda belajar dengan kami, Anda dapat mendaftar, lepaskan, dan mendapatkan uang dari musik Anda. That's why we run an in-house record and publishing label: Point Blank Music. Itu sebabnya kami menjalankan catatan di-rumah dan label penerbitan: Point Musik Blank.
Your Tracks Released and Promoted Trek Anda Dirilis dan Dipromosikan
Throughout the duration of the course and after completion, students that sign their tracks to Point Blank Music enjoy 100% digital distribution coverage including Sepanjang durasi kursus dan setelah selesai, siswa yang mendaftar jejak mereka ke Point Musik Kosong menikmati jangkauan distribusi 100% digital termasuk Beatport, Juno Download, Amazon, iTunes and Spotify and extensive promotion through Point Blank's social media, marketing and database networks. Beatport, Juno Download, Amazon, iTunes dan Spotify dan promosi yang luas melalui media sosial Point Blank, pemasaran dan jaringan database. We'll also send your tracks to the world's top DJs via our promo system Labelworxs . Kami juga akan mengirim trek Anda untuk DJ top dunia melalui Labelworxs promo kami sistem. DJs that have supported the label's releases include; Terry Francis (Fabric Resident), Paco Osuna (Minus), Slam and Magda. DJ yang telah mendukung rilis label meliputi; Terry Francis (Resident Fabric), Paco Osuna (Minus), Slam dan Magda. Your First Professional Assignment Tugas Anda Pertama Profesional
Through our established links with partner advertising agencies BBH, JSA, Blackbook and BMB, Point Blank students have secured a number of commercial projects including soundtracks for two global Swatch advertising campaigns , a feature film soundtrack and a musical theatre score this year alone. Melalui link kami didirikan dengan iklan mitra lembaga BBH, JSA, BlackBook dan BMB, siswa Point Blank telah mengamankan sejumlah proyek komersial termasuk soundtrack untuk dua kampanye iklan global yang Swatch , sebuah soundtrack film dan skor teater musikal tahun ini saja. Partner Labels Label Rekanan
The labels below have requested to receive the latest tracks and podcasts from Point Blank students via the Point Blank Music team. Label di bawah ini telah meminta untuk menerima lagu terbaru dan podcast dari siswa Point Blank melalui tim Musik Point Blank. They are scouting for fresh talent. Mereka kepramukaan untuk bakat segar.