One Night at Call Center By Chetan Bhagat

One Night at Call Center By Chetan Bhagat

One Night at Call Center By Chetan Bhagat

One Night at Call Center By Chetan Bhagat

The night train ride from Kanpur to Delhi was the most memorable journey of my life. For one, it gave me my second book. And two, it is not everyday you sit in an empty compartment and a young, pretty girl walks in.
Yes, you see it in the movies, you hear about it from friends’ friends but it never happens to you. When I was younger, I used to check the reservation chart stuck outside a train bogie to see all the female passengers near my seat (F-17 to F-25 is what I’d look for most). Yet, it never happened. In most cases, I shared my compartment with talkative women, snoring men and wailing infants.
But this night was different. Firstly, my compartment was empty. The railways had just started this new summer train and nobody knew about it. Secondly, I was unable to sleep.
I had come to IIT Kanpur for a talk. Before leaving, I drank four cups of coffee in the canteen chatting with the students. Bad idea, given it was going to be boring to spend eight insomniac hours in an emptycompartment. I had no magazines or books to read. I could hardly see anything out of the window in the darkness. I prepared myself for a silent and dull night. Of course, it was anything but that.
She walked in five minutes after the train had left the station. She opened the curtains of my enclosure and looked puzzled.

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