Book Description
Portfolios have always been artists’ most valuable tools for communicating their talents to the outside world, whether to potential employers or galleries or clients. But the days of sketches and slides have given way to arrangements of digital assets that are both simpler and more complex than their traditional analog counterparts.
Instructor and design professional Cynthia Baron covers all the facets that artists need to know, from choosing the best work for a particular audience to using various file formats to organizing, designing, and presenting the portfolio. Beautiful full-color illustrations demonstrate her instructions, and case studies throughout portray examples of attractive and effective portfolio design. This book gives artists at any level a creative edge, ensuring that their portfolios get noticed and help them stand out from the crowd.
Table of Contents
Part I: Planning
Chapter 1. Professions
Chapter 2. Assessment & Adaptation
Chapter 3. Your Audience
Chapter 4. Format
Part II: Collecting and Preparing
Chapter 5. Organizing Your Work
Chapter 6. Digitizing Traditional Work
Chapter 7. Repurposing and optimizing
Chapter 8. Creating written content
Part III: Production
Chapter 9. Development Basics
Chapter 10. Designing a portfolio interface
Chapter 11. Digital portfolio reels
Part IV: Marketing
Chapter 12. Copyright & portfolio
Chapter 13. Presenting your portfolio
Appendix A. About the Contributors
Appendix B. Resources
Book Details
- Paperback: 360 pages
- Publisher: New Riders Press; 2nd Edition (August 2009)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0321637518
- ISBN-13: 978-0321637512
- File Size: 28.9 MiB
- File Format: PDF | EPUB | PDF + EPUB