PES2012 GP Point Changer v1.0

PES2012 GP Point Changer v1.0

PES2012 GP Point Changer v1.0 - Berfungsi untuk menambah GP POINT kita supaya menjadi maximal agar dapat membeli item yang ada di menu Exta Conten pada ML dan BAL, jadi kita bisa beli semua yang ada di Shop SEPUASNYA hehe. Silanhkan Di Download !

Screen shoot:

  • Tool for PES2012 GP Point Changer v1.0
Supported platforms:
  • PC only
Features Settings:
  1. set GP Points in ML Mode
  2. set GP Points in BaL Mode
  • installed .NET Framework (at least version 4.0)
How to use:
  1. buka ML.bin or BaL.bin
  2. change your GP Points [Documents\KONAMI\Pro Evolution Soccer 2012\save\option.bin]
  3. tuliskan Gp yg kita inginkan
  4. push "accept" and "save" Button
By : ADMIN-Vhy704
Tested Windows7

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