Windows 8 Activator v1.0 Final Full UNLOCK Personalization

Windows 8 Activator v1.0 Final Full UNLOCK Personalization

aktivator windows 8 yang dapat meng-unlock semua fitur windows 8. Di dalam paket rar aktivator ini terdapat juga Personalization Enabler yang fungsinya adalah untuk meng-enable kan fitur Personalization yang ada pada windows 8. Nah,, bagi sahabat DEVAN INC pengguna windows 8 gratisan, yuk mari langsung di cobain aktivatornya.

Feature :
  • Fully Unlocked: Personalization,Start screen,,Account Picture
Support :
  • Windows 8 Professional
  • Windows 8 Enterprise
  • Windows 8 Core
Windows 8 Personalization Enabler
This program will enable the personalization features in the PC Settings.
You will be able to change the account picture,lock screen and the start screen.

IF Windows 8 is Not Activate You must activate windows 8 first using the activator
Before running the personilazion enabler plz close all your applications since your system will automatically restarted.

1. Run as administrator
2. Wait for the process and dont do nothing
3. It restarts automatically
4. Windows is "activated"

Tested windows 8 Pro 32bit

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