Aurora 3D Animation Maker 13.01.13 Full Crack

Aurora 3D Animation Maker 13.01.13 Full Crack

Aurora 3D Animation Maker - software untuk membuat animasi 3D-, yang dapat digunakan untuk membuat logo, teks, video. Program ini berisi satu set efek animasi: kembang api, asap, salju, api, atau kekosongan ruang. Anda akan dapat mengendalikan semua aspek animasi Anda, termasuk panjang film, kecepatan pemutaran, dll Selain itu, program ini memungkinkan Anda untuk dengan mudah menempatkan animasi di Internet, mendukung ekspor ke format seperti AVI, FLV, MPG, Flash (SWF), GIF animasi, atau format gambar PNG, TGA, BMP.

Screen Shoot:

Additional Information:
  • Keyframe animation. Using the timeline, you can control all aspects of your
  • animation, including the length, playback speed, etc.
  • The effects of particles - will draw attention to your scenes by adding stunning effects such as cosmic radiation, rain, snow, fireworks, smoke, etc.
  • Each of the objects can be given a variety of options of animation and motion, such as rotation, swing, punch, wave, disappearance, typewriter, pulse.
  • 3D-arm will when you press in the right lower part of the extrude text or shape simply by dragging the sliders on the vectors. You can control the position of the object, rotate, and scale of the axes X, Y and Z.
  • Animated templates. You get a lot of templates, 3D titles, logos, and by their partial changes can make your 3D-animation in minutes for web or movies without having skills in the basics of 3D-design.
  • Easily create your forms with a tool for manual editing of forms. You can import. SVG file to the canvas and edit nodes form.
  • Quick Styles will quickly change the appearance of the object, simply select the object and click on the color styles.
  • Import and SVG images, you can import 2D-forms such as. SVG file and photos on canvas and edit them for a 3D effect.
  • The 3D graphics to quickly change the style of your design borders, frames, 2D and 3D buttons, text.
  • Changing the shape of the object. Simply select the form and shape to the panel. You can change the properties to edit it.
  • Graphics library of four thousand pieces.
  • Full text editor.
  • The color and texture can change in different parts of the object. Support for dynamic textures.
  • Change the bevel effect for shape and text separately.
  • The effects of deformation for the forms and texts
  • Dynamic Background
  • Full control and make lighting.
  • Export images a format PNG, JPG, TIFF, BMP, GIF, TGA, that can be imported and edited in other applications.
  • Export animation to AVI, FLV, MPG, Flash (SWF), animated GIF.

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