GridinSoft Trojan Killer - dirancang khusus untuk menonaktifkan / menghapus Malware tanpa pengguna harus secara manual mengedit file sistem atau
Registry. Program ini juga menghilangkan sistem tambahan modifikasi Malware beberapa melakukan yang diabaikan oleh beberapa
scanner antivirus standar. Pembunuh Trojan scan SEMUA file yang dimuat pada saat boot untuk Adware, Spyware,
Remote Access Trojans, Worms Internet dan malware lainnya. Pembunuh Trojan bekerja di bidang sistem keamanan untuk memastikan keamanan untuk sistem komputer. Kami mengusulkan produk untuk membantu Anda menyingkirkan menjengkelkan,
malware adware dan alat-alat kasar lainnya. Hal ini sangat penting untuk mengembalikan kontrol di komputer Anda sesegera mungkin dan tidak membolehkan siapapun untuk menggunakan data Anda.
Screen Shoot:Download link:Additional Tools:
- Reset Internet Explorer Home/Start/Search Page Settings Some Malware programs make changes to the Internet Explorer Home, Start and Search Page settings in order to re-direct the web browser to different websites.
- This Utility will reset the Home/Start/Search pages to standard Defaults. You can then manually reset your Home Page to your website of choice (or leave it "blank", the default).
Reset HOSTS file:- The Windows HOSTS file is a text file which stores website addresses. The file can be used to speed up access to websites you visit often - by equating the website name (e.g. with its DNS address, the web browser can find the website more quickly as it does not have to query a DNS Name Server.
- Some Malware programs add entries to this file, to either deny access to websites (usually security-related or antivirus company websites), or to re-direct access to websites of their choosing.
Reset Windows Update Policies:- Some Malware programs attempt to prevent Windows Update from running, and inhibit access to resetting Windows Update by blanking out the Windows Update options on the Update configuration screen.
Semoga bermanfaat :)
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