eBook : - Measure and Integration: Publications 1997-2011
Published: 2012-06-07 | ISBN: 3034803818 | DJVU | 519 pages | 4 MBThis volume presents a collection of twenty-five of Heinz König’s recent and most influential works. Connecting to his book of 1997 “Measure and Integration”, the author has developed a consistent new version of measure theory over the past years. For the first time, his publications are collected here in one single volume. Key features include: - A first-time, original and entirely uniform treatment of abstract and topological measure theory - The introduction of the inner • and outer • premeasures and their extension to unique maximal measures - A simplification of the procedure formerly described in Chapter II of the author’s previous book - The creation of new “envelopes” for the initial set function (to replace the traditional Carathéodory outer measures), which lead to much simpler and more explicit treatment - The formation of products, a unified Daniell-Stone-Riesz representation theorem, and projective limits