Easus data recovery wizard ini berfungsi untuk mengembalikan file-file yang terhapus dari PC sobat baik itu di sengaja maupun tidak disengaja,bahkan bisa mengembalikan file dari partisi harddisk yang sudah terformat atau terhapus serta mengembalikan file yang dimakan virus,jadi buat jaga-jaga siapa tau butuh silakan di sedot Easus data recovery Wizard Proffessional.
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Download Easus Data Recovery Wizard Proffessional Pro 5.8 Full VersionFeatures :
- Supports IDE / ATA, SATA, SCSI, USB, hard drive cable (IEEE1394) Fire and other media such as Floppy disk, USB flash drive, digital camera, digital audio player, etc.
- Creates a Disk Image file for the updates. Recover multiple file formats like photos, videos, musics, office documents, emails, zip/rar, archives, etc.
- Restoring a single click.Faster scan lost files by skipping bad sectors automatically.
- Provides updated separation from FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, file system NTFS.Returns the deleted files and folders even after the Recycle Bin has been emptied.
- Preview the update files and pictures in BMP, EMF, JPG, JPEG, GIF, TIF and format PNG, etc.Recover files from unreadable Dynamic Disk.
- Recover Linux files in Windows Systems.
- Preview recoverable files.
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