Stardock Start8 1.11 Final

Stardock Start8 1.11 Final

Stardock Start8 - alat yang dirancang untuk menggunakan gaya "Start" menu dan klasik Windows Explorer 7 di Windows 8. Skinnable, memiliki antarmuka pengguna sepenuhnya dapat disesuaikan dan sangat fungsional. Menyediakan kemampuan untuk menjalankan "Metro" sebagai menu "Start" - hanya pada layar.

Screen Shoot:

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  • Added Start8tweak.exe advanced configuration for extra options including enabling / disabling Start8 on a per account basis.
  • Added email category to search results.
  • Added support for Modern UI app closing to return to the desktop rather than the Windows 8 menu on advanced settings.
  • Added native support for the DisplayFusion secondary taskbar.
  • Added support for BMP files as start button. RGB (255,0,255) is permitted for transparency.
  • Added registry entry to control if hidden items should be included in the All programs list.
  • Added registry entry to control if the user picture should have a border or not in the default theme.
  • Added registry entry to control if the tree has a horizontal scroll bar.
  • Added support for Search the Internet button on search results via registry key.
  • Documents, Pictures, Music, Computer and Recorded TV places will use the name set in explorer for them if the user has renamed them.
  • Shutdown button menu will have an item selected when accessed via the keyboard.
  • Adjusted start menu sizing to prevent bottom item on the places list from being slightly clipped in certain circumstances.
  • Modified shutdown menu to prevent surplus separator line showing when the machine doesn't support sleep or hibernate.
  • Right to left language versions of Windows now show the user picture.
  • Right to left language versions of Windows now have icons rendered the correct direction.
  • Tweaked to prevent .lnk text showing in tree on occasion.
  • Tweaked code to better handle closing a docked Modern UI application when at the desktop when the charms bar is set to disabled.
  • Fixed an issue with right click on the places list
  • Jumplists close when you pin / unpin something / delete it

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