day 3 : 15th Dec 2012
We were probably the only tourists that woke up after sunrise in Alishan. Mr. Chen is already waiting in his super shiny car. So, we lugged our luggages down the stairs and left.
We will have a pretty long ride today from Alishan to Sun Moon Lake. However, the journey was superb as we crossed the Yushan Scenic Highway. We rolled down our windows and pump in as much fresh air as we can (Kiasu)
Pit stop to view the Ang-Bo tree (husband & wife tree). I wonder why it is called that, probably the tree looks like they are holding hands?
The spectacular Alishan mountain range. Though again, pictures here didn't do justice to it. One should admire Alishan with one's own eyes to really know how beautiful it is.

Mr Chen stopped by at Tataka Visitor Center for us to learn more about Yushan National Park's wildlife, aborigines and its natural heritage.
We were pretty tired and dozed off as we continued our downhill journey. Mr Chen halted and we woke up in this place. As I walked in, it felt like I've seen this place somewhere.
These cuties are now in my display cabinet...check out the names
- Mildness (12%)
- The Beauty Is Singing A Song (12%)
- Danced For Joy (12%)
- Go Home? ... Oh No! (25%)
- May I Have Your Attention Please? (40%)
- Crazy (40%)
"Warning! Do not overdrink oneself".
Hear that? If you do, you might end up...err...getting dried up?

Weehoo! QQ's stuff. Actually, the store here is pretty swell. You can get all types of unique Taiwanese souvenier here. Since we're at the "factory store" here, the prices offered here are cheaper or at least the same price offered elsewhere. Not everywhere sells these goods. So, if you're here and you spot something you fancy, don't let it slip away from your hands. We bought quite a lot of stuff and we got a free box of Mei facial masks (5s) :)

Mei Candies...
After some snacks, we headed straight to Sun Moon Lake. First, we stopped by at its newly constructed visitor center. This modern structure overlooks the Sun Moon Lake.
Stamping frenzy!
Just like Penang's Beach Street, tourists flocked this wedding photo shoot hot spot.
So of course, someone wanted to join the hype.
Fumi about to be the first to swim in the infinity pool
We salvaged his camera and found out this amazing shot he took moments before the incident. Too bad, we can't salvage the photographer. Muahaha!
It was pretty warm. Mr Chen dropped us off at the epicenter of Sun Moon Lake where tourists get to board boats that take them around the lake. I loved the carnival like atmosphere here.
This kid drew hordes of crowds and turned them into her fans.

4 legged tourists
Hey, Fumi is back! What's he doing?
7-11! I am about some nice slurpeeee?
Strolling along the streets of Sun Moon Lake...with some interesting sights
The streets looked really old school
Ladies and gent, here's the Wen Wu temple.
This temple worships Saint Confucius and Guangong. It's popular among scholars and people normally come here to pray and sent wishes to do well in exams.

Noticing the wishes posted in the temple, I decided to make a wish for the 3 of us.
And posted it here. After I came out, I only noticed the sign that you'll need to pay to put up these messages. Oopsie daisy ...
Tourists dissipated and the atmosphere turned calmer. Accompanied by the cool breeze from the lake, we were awed by the night view of the temple.

We couldn't linger much longer as we need to check into our Frog Castle Hotel in Puli. Mr. Chen were driving in and out of villages and at many occasions, we were driving in complete darkness except for the cars headlights. The roads were winding + narrow. Only a single road for a car to pass through. I just don't want to think or imagine if another car comes from the separate direction. Strangely (and luckily), no car comes from the separate direction. The roads now became winding + narrow + uphill. Mr Chen continued to drive like nobody's business. Once in a while, we spotted some houses. Other than that, it's complete darkness. Is our hotel really here?
Then, we saw the sign "Frog Castle". Phew, if we continued the winding journey for another minute, I'll help Mr Chen to fill up his car with those Slurpy I had from 7-11.
Frog Castle! Felt like we've reached home after a very very long day.
Frog Castle! Felt like we've reached home after a very very long day.
"Welcome! Come in!", exclaimed the super excited receptionist. The maid helped us to bring in our luggage. Ahh...finally some customer service.
my Frog Castle rating *
Time to put on my new slippers and check out what the castle has in store
Let's go up
Check out the room :)
For the first time in Taiwan, finally we get a proper room. Clean, spacious, nice with comfortable bed.
And proper bathroom without having to cramp in the same spot to shower, brush teeth and use the toilet.
my Frog Castle rating **
Hungry ... and here are all the stuff to grab and eat anytime!
my Frog Castle rating ***
While preparing our instant noodles we bought that evening, the super excited receptionist came to greet us.
She was like "Do you guys want some fried eggs? Come on...don't be shy"
"Uhh...." Before we say anything, she disappeared into the kitchen and started cooking for us!
Super excited receptionist presented us with eggs with corn. Yum!
Then she sat behind the reception counter "Oh, don't mind me. Enjoy your dinner"
After a few seconds, she exclaimed "Do you guys want some meat (wild boar)? I just got it from the shop today. It's really yummy. Come on...don't be shy"
"Um...." Before we can say anything, we were served with some wild boar meat. Yum!
Then she sat behind the reception counter "Oh, don't mind me. Enjoy your dinner"
Then she said "Do you guys wanna have some beer? I got beers. Come on...don't be shy"
"Thank you so much, we're really full". In fact, we were so happy and our stomach filled to the brim.
"Do you want to go see a beautiful church after dinner? I am heading up the hill to get some stuff", she said
Wow, we get a special mini excursion too? But we really had a long day and sadly had to give up the offer. All we can think about was to jump into the frog beds. At this moment, Frog Castle's rating has gone up the roof...
my Frog Castle rating ****
Time to sleep (yes I know, sleeping immediately after dinner). Whatever... we are on holidays!
I wonder what these froggies are doing? Good nitey!