Avoid language generator Anger
Lintas Media Informasi - Disagreements parents and children are common. Finally, an argument can not be avoided, Fayanisa Dwityarani, M.Psi, adolescent psychologist and Associate of Kassandra Jakarta, suggested that parents avoid words that blame.
Avoid using the word 'always' or 'custom'. For example, "You always make people wait too long."
Do not compare one child to another. For example, "Brother can you report cards are always good value, why can not you be like him anyway?"
When the fight, you should not use your experience as a benchmark. Avoid the words, "In the past, Mom never drove to school ..." or "When Mama was your age ...."
Avoid the word of a dictator like, "Yes, because mama said not to be ya should not, period!" (ins)
(Good Housekeeping Indonesia November 2012 issue)
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