Perfect Phrases for the Perfect Interview By Carol Martin

Perfect Phrases for the Perfect Interview By Carol Martin

Perfect Phrases for the Perfect Interview By Carol Martin
Perfect Phrases for the Perfect Interview

Perfect Phrases for the Perfect Interview By Carol Martin

Words, words, words. They’re everywhere. And using the right words is crucial to your success. Words are extremely important when we are trying to sell someone on an idea or attempting to influence a decision. The most common example of using words to influence is in any type of sales transaction. Regardless of whether you have ever thought of yourself as a “sales person” or not, when you are in job search, you are in fact  entering into a sales situation in which your words will be used to influence a decision.That decision will be  whether the employer thinks you are the best candidate for the job. Using the right words in the job search begins when you write your résumé. To have a successful résumé you should use the same words that  employers use.These are the words that are used in postings and ads. Whether your résumé is read by an electronic résumé system or by a human résumé reader, the process will be the same—scanning for “key words.” If the words are not there, you will not get the interview.The point is that it is not only important to  use the “right”words and language during your job search—it is essential.

Size: 737 KB
No. of Pages: 192
Type: Questions And Points Oriented

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