Today is 1st day of puasa in Ramadhan month. My dear, let's shaum ya, yes we can (talk to my baby). Wanna update about my baby's progress. Several days ago, my mom, my dad, and my twin little sister come to Depok for holiday. It's 1st time my mom see my pregnancy. She said that my baby looks so "down", i mean, it seems gonna give a birth soon. Of course i've become confuse and soon go to obgyn to have usg check up. At the previous usg, the baby's sex is still unseen, and in my 2nd usg, it's seen clearly, hihi. But i still keep it secret yaaaa. The obgyn said my pregnancy was good, fine, and don't agree with my mom's said, will give a birth soon, hehe. The day of expected birth is 1 week step back, whatever it is, i hope everything going well. aamiin ya Rabb ^^
selamat puasa semuaaaa ^____________^