Book Description
Making money in Runescape is challenging, but vitally important if you want to get the best equipment for your character. Whether you’re interested in Player vs Player combat, high level dungeons, or just role-playing in cool clothes, you need money to achieve your goals.
“Runescape Gold Strategy Guide” is the unofficial guide to legitimately making millions in the RuneScape MMORPG. Once you have learned the skills and techniques in the book you will be equipped to level up faster, earn quicker, and enjoy the game more. Learn where to find the best places to train your skills, what items to buy and when, and how to avoid scammers taking all your money! The book covers gold earning topics such as gathering, crafting and trading in depth.
What you will learn from this book
- Making the most out of dungeons
- Account security, safe trading, and avoiding scammers
- Installing the standalone client for better performance
- Picking a good spot / server to increase earning potential
- Maxing your skills fast to make earning easier
- Finding and selling items that are in demand
A practical and concise tutorial leading the player to understand how to get the most out of their in game time. Packt Gold Strategy Guides are a workout, not a walkthrough!
Who this book is for
Newcomers or experienced players of the Runescape online game. Both free and pay-for members will benefit from the book.
Book Details
- Paperback: 166 pages
- Publisher: Packt Publishing (June 2012)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1849692904
- ISBN-13: 978-1849692908
- File Size: 16.8 MiB
- File Format: PDF | EPUB | PDF + EPUB
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