The Book of Numbers by Shakuntala Devi

The Book of Numbers by Shakuntala Devi

The Book of Numbers by Shakuntala Devi

The Book of Numbers by Shakuntala Devi

Shakuntala Devi of the Book - Shakuntala Devi, the Human Computer, and explains everything you always wanted to know the number that makes it difficult to understand. This book is about all we ever want to know the numbers. Shakuntala Devi of the book - divided into three parts, first you everything about the numbers, some numbers and jokes related to mathematics, the second, third, and some important tables that will help you always say

Shakuntala Devi, the Human Computer, and explains everything you always wanted to know about numbers, but it was difficult to make it easy to understand. This book is about all we ever want to know the numbers. Divided into three parts, first you everything about the numbers, some numbers and jokes related to mathematics, the second, third, and some important tables that will help you always say.

Author:Shakuntala Devi
Publisher: Orient Paperbacks
Date: Oct 30,2006
Format: pdf
Language: English
ISBN10: 8122200060
Pages: 144
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