Disclaimer: QQ is a gal who has lived all her life in sunny Singapore, hence her snow experience is only one brief encounter. And she was told Hamamatsu rarely snowed. The last time they had snow that didn't melt before it reach the ground was 10 years ago.I have actually sort of given up hope on seeing snow in Hamamatsu, and planned to go to nearby Nagano to catch snow. But when all hope seemed
Settling down...Just an update, yup.. I have reached my apartment. :)Pretty spacious for me. Thanks to my predecessor, it was clean, neat and well-fur ...
Softbank WoesI thought I was one of the lucky ones, as I was one of the first few among the batch of Singaporean JETs to get my keitai...So.. it wa ...
Happy Mt. Fuji Day!Today's is Mt Fuji Day 富士山の日.A pretty new school holiday to commemorate Mt Fuji. It was only enacted 2 years ago. It's a day to remind ...