How to Change Password in Windows 8 - Reset the Password Manually

How to Change Password in Windows 8 - Reset the Password Manually

 How to Change Password in Windows 8 
 Reset the Password Manually

Tutorial-How to change the potion or fix a Password on Windows 8, which inadvertently forget, as well as a multi-user operating system, Windows 7 lets you create user profiles and specify a password to protect a user's account.

This feature lets users share the same PC while keeping each user's settings intact. If you are the only user with full administrator access on your computer and You have forgotten the password, you will be locked out of your computer.

If that happens, the usual bet You start again from the beginning with the partition to Windows that are fresh, or use some third-party applications are complex to reset your password.

In what follows, we will guide you through the process of resetting passwords in Windows 7 without using third-party applications.

Before you continue, do one thing important to note. If you have encrypted files in your user account, use or any other way to reset the account password will mean losing the files permanently, unless you save a copy of your encryption certificate when encrypting your files.

Now the process is not as simple as a few clicks of the mouse, but as long as you can follow the instructions carefully, you should have no trouble to reset Windows password.

First, you will need to create a System Repair Disk from the PC Windows 8 that you can access.

This could be the work of the PC, or PC to a friend or family member, but just have to be running Windows 7.

Disk Repair can be made on a blank CD or DVD, although you can even use USB flash drive for the purpose because almost all modern PC is able to boot via USB drive. So let's start with it.

Insert a blank disc or USB to your computer Windows 7, open Control Panel and click on ' Create a system repair disc ' in the top left. Follow the instructions in the image below, and repair your disk will be ready in no time. See picture below

Furthermore, inset the disk repair or a USB drive to your computer and boot off of it, computer and select Troubleshoot. See picture below

On the next screen, click Advanced options. See picture below

Now click on the Command Prompt option. See picture below

This will open a windows Command Prompt. In windows, enter the following command one by one:


See picture below

You will see a list of your disk partitions, from where you can easily find a partition installation of Windows. Usually it is the C drive but if it is a different one, be sure to use throughout the rest of the tutorial. Enter this command to exit the DiskPart tool:

Next enter one by one command (be sure to replace the C in the first command to the drive letter that corresponds to Your Windows partition, if it's different in your case):

C:cd system32copy windowscd cmd.exe Utilman exe cmd.exe.originalcopy Utilman.exe.originaldel Utilman. exeren cmd.exe Utilman. exeshutdown – r – t 00

See picture below

These commands will prepare the necessary tools to reset your password, and restart your computer. After booting to the login screen, click on ease of access button in the lower left corner. Based on the commands that we use in the previous step, this will open a windows Command Prompt instead of the easy access menu. See picture below

Enter this command to list the names of all the user accounts:

Net user

Your account name will be different from what is shown below. This will generally be an account other than Administrator and Guest. We will use the exact name of your user account on the next command, so watch carefully. See picture below
Enter these commands, replace WAQAx with the name of your user account, as shown in image above:

Net user WAQAx *

Now you will be prompted to enter your new password. When you type a password, the curser will not move and no characters will appear, meaning you will not see the password you typed. Rest assured that even though it is there, so make sure you enter the letters carefully. Once you enter, you will be asked to confirm it again, simply type the same password again.  
See picture below

Enter this command to exit from windows Command Prompt:


You should now be able to login to your PC with the new password.
See picture below

Don't go yet for this step-you still need to restore changes you make to the file cmd.exe and Explorer.exe Utilman. Boot disk to Repair it again using the same process and opens the windows Command Prompt as before. Then enter the following command one by one, replace ' C ' with Your Windows partition drive letter:

C:cd system32del windowscd Utilman. exeren Utilman.exe.original. exeren cmd.exe.original cmd Utilman. exeshutdown-r-t 00

See the image below.

These commands will return the file to the way they originally were, and restart your computer normally. After rebooting your computer, you will see that you can now open the ease of Access on the Original menu of your login screen.

See picture below


So the tutorial on how to fix or restore the forgotten password. I hope this article was Helpful.

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